Saturday, April 9, 2011

WEHT Tokyo Metro?

I was browsing through some pictures taken using my iPhone4 and I stumbled upon these photos. These were taken at Tokyo-Tokyo Metro at the back of our office in Valero Street, Makati City.  is an upscale Tokyo-Tokyo Metro resto-bar of Tokyo-Tokyo. The concept is to serve from simple Japanese dishes to skillfully crafted bentos together with ice-cold beer where yuppies can have after-work (for day shift employees) casual dining while they are entertained by a band.

It was a weekday but I was on leave in preparation for an out of town trip the next day. We decided to have a couple of bottles of ice-cold beer. We weren't hungry enough but we just wanted to have something to go with our beer so we ordered for four pieces of their tempura. The food was good but their service was totally trash which I didn't mind at all because we came there to relax.

 After finishing the last bite of our tempura and the last drop of our beer, we asked for the bill and to my surprise, they didn't include the tempura. I looked at my friend with a grin then handed him the bill. We wanted to call the attention of the waiter but they were too busy with something else. So we just left some money just enough for the beer and dashed off. We hailed a taxi and then laughed off. And then my friend told me that it wasn't the first time that this has happened. Could this be the reason why they closed their Valero branch? Now if that is true, I feel guilty... LOL!

Let's all drink to that!!!

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